*Please be aware the venue has changed*

The First & Only Conference Exclusively Focusing on ADC Payloads

Diversifying ADC Payloads as Warheads for Overcoming Tumor Resistance, With Optimized Efficacy, Potency, Mechanisms & Differentiated IP

Discuss & Understand the Diversity of the Contemporary Payload Toolbox to Benchmark Your Warheads, Make Informed Payload-Selection Choices & Optimize Your Chemistry for Clinical Success

As the ADC landscape becomes more competitive, the limited availability of targets and antigens highlights the need to diversify payload modes of action to address cancers with high unmet needs.

As part of the World ADC Series, the 2nd ADC Payload Summit returns to Boston to help you turbocharge your ADCs by platforming cutting-edge work into diverse and novel payload categories

With new data on underutilized MOAs such as degraders, RNA polymerase II inhibitors, immunomodulators, gene silences, and splice modulators, don't miss this opportunity to meet with fellow peers to explore the merits and challenges of diverse payloads to help you drive the potency of your next first-in-class ADC

At this summit, you’ll gain critical insights to:

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the physiochemical properties of novel payloads

the medicinal chemistry of traditional payloads by comparing underutilized mechanisms

BENCHMARK payload selection strategies tailored to indications

structure-activity relationships by modifying payload-linker designs

Don’t miss this chance to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving field and redefine what’s possible in payload design to create the next blockbuster ADC - Access the full agenda here.

World-Class Speaker Faculty Includes:

What Your Peers Have to Say:

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"It’s exciting to see and learn about new and emerging ADC payloads!"

"Despite a long history of ADCs, the payloads at the clinical stage are mostly limited to a small number of cytotoxic molecules. Recently we have seen rapid expansion of payload classes used in preclinical ADC research. Research groups sharing experiences and learnings from each program will greatly benefit the field as we continue to explore various payload mechanism of action

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Mablink Bioscience Logo - 2nd adc payload summit

“Fantastic organisation, atmosphere and discussions” 

“A variety of different payload-based topics were discussed which provided a well-rounded symposium”

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primelink bio - 2nd adc payload summit

“This was a highly specialized meeting which focused on the latest developments of payloads targeting immunology-oncology space.”

Previously Attending Companies Include:

About World ADC Series

The World ADC team ploughs its collective energy in to sourcing the insights you need. We investigate the most challenging problems facing the industry; source the leading experts who have game-changing solutions; and distil this into accessible formats of information exchange – for you. From globally leading conferences to webinars and industry reports, whatever the information you need, World ADC can offer you the insights you need to accelerate your ADC programs.

The value World ADC provides you is the power of insight and connections. Not artificial, and not short-lived. We nurture the right environments in which people can communicate problems and solutions; share novel data and forge networks across the industry that will make each of your endeavours more informed and more robust.

We share a common belief with the industry – that the potential of antibody drug conjugates is enormous. In the war against cancer, ADCs can be a game-changer and we know that the right insights and connections can sharpen the weapons that are in your arsenal.

Join us at the heart of the ADC community to improve your programmes and be part of the mission to develop better antibody drug conjugate drugs.