Overviewing Payload Classes & Exploring Potency & Toxicity Concerns: What is the Next Frontier in ADC Payloads?

Time: 9:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day - Workshop A


ADCs have demonstrated impressive clinical efficacy in several tumor types, however resistance and a competitive environment for some of these clinically validated payloads is driving drug developers to identify novel mechanisms of action and optimize payload structure with analogues of traditional payloads.

With such a wide scope of development of ADC payloads following huge successes from the lower potency topoisomerase payloads, how can we predict what the next big thing for ADC payloads is?

Join this session to:

  • Uncover emerging trends in ADC payloads to develop the next generation of ADC payloads
  • Explore the most novel MoAs that are entering pre-clinical development, and consider the feasibility of these payloads to progress
  • Assess the current unmet needs and gaps in ADC payload discovery, design and development
